What is not allowed to post on openkart.au
- Counterfeit products, offers of human for sale, inducing adoption or
- Any stolen goods e.g. bulgur tools, goods
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Blood, Body parts, Bodily Fluids
- Electronic Surveillance Equipments
- Cigarettes, E-cigarettes, Viper, and all type of Tobacco. Cannabis.
- Endangered or protected species
- Prostitution, Escort services, Sexual Favors’, Sexual actions, Sexual Services or Exchange.
- Fireworks, destructive devices, explosives.
- Government badges, uniforms, ID’S, documents and licenses.
- Toxic explosive material such as radioactive, toxic
- Personal information.
- Personal information such Identity documents, personal financial records.
- Any over the counter prescription drugs, Illegal drugs, controlled substances and hems used to make drugs
- Nitrous oxide products, include, bulbs, nags.
- Illegal items, service.
- Illegal telecommunication & electrical equipment.
- Hems used to any armed force that have been disposed.
- Lottery tickets, sweepstake.
- Pornographic material, nudity or harmful to minors.
- Material that infringes, copyright, suffuse.
- New merchandise from network companies.
- Selling supplements, prescription-non preset drugs, goods administration.
- Offensive material.
- Pesticides, restricted agricultural products
- Seeds, plants & insects restricted
- Banned and recalled products productssafety.gov.au.
- Stocks, bitcoin mining equipment
- Tobacco, E-cigarettes.
- Used cosmetics, undergarments, used batteries constrain mercury.
- Firearms ammunition, guns, tasters, tear gas, stuns gas, knives, bows, arrows, pepper spray, and other restricted weapons.
- Animal parts, ivory, rhino, animal skin parts
- Offensive photos e.g. Photos of nude children, old people, nudity
- If the product does not look as shown on posting, DO NOT BUY
- If something doesn’t look right report us on info@openkart.au.
- Expired goods that are not suitable for consumption